Acai Berry Soil and Climate Requirements


E xperts have outlined the basic acai berry soil and climate requirements for successful propagation. The soil is very important as it performs essential functions for the acai berry palm tree. It must drain well to prevent rotting, fungal growth and wash away salt build up. The soil must be able to retain enough moisture for a saturating hydration of the roots while nourishing the growing acai berry palm tree with minerals and soluble salts for optimum cultivation. It must also enable air to be channelled to the roots when it rains or during watering while preventing the roots from drying out.

Acai berry palm trees thrive in moisture, hence, high humidity and frequent watering are very important. Rain water or well water is ideal but tap water can also be used. However, water from a softener system is contraindicated because this water has already lost healthful calcium, magnesium and manganese ions in exchange for sodium ions. Acai berry palm trees should not be exposed to drying winds as these can drain the moisture from the leaves, disrupt photosynthesis and cause irreversible damage to the cells.

Another important consideration is sunlight. Six to eight hours of light is enough to provide all the energy the acai berry palm tree needs for photosynthesis. However, excessive exposure to direct sunlight can be hard on the growing tree. In the wild, acai berry palm trees are protected from direct sunlight by the canopy of taller trees. Experts suggest that the ideal light intensity for young, fruit bearing acai berry palm trees is around 20 to 40 percent shade during summer and 10 to 20 percent shade during winter. Acai berry palm trees grow well from sea level to about 3,000 meters in elevation, provided the temperature is closely monitored. Temperatures between 70 to 85 degrees fahrenheit is ideal although the acai berry palm trees can tolerate temperatures from 50 to 100 degrees fahrenheit.

It is vital to provide a maximum level of protection for acai berry palms that grow in frost prone areas. In the southern regions of Florida and in certain areas in the Gulf of Mexico, acai berry palms are particularly prone to frost during the winter months. This can be achieved by using a wrap around the acai berry palms to prevent frost from adhering onto the acai berry palms. A greenhouse with ideal temperatures similar to the tropics and proper ventilation holes can provide enough warmth for cultivation in cold climate regions. When soil and climate requirements are met, growers are guaranteed a plentiful harvest of acai berries.

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