Price: At Natural Home Cures, we harvest, manufacture, market and distribute our own acai berry products. You never pay for over-the-top executive salaries nor do we market through costly pyramid schemes that only end up inflating your purchase price.
Quality: Our acai berry is grown on one large acai berry farm in Brazil. It's grown without chemicals (no pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers). The acai berry is processed with cleanliness in mind. Although our Buy Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Acai Berry is not labeled organic because the fields haven't been certified by a US organic certifying agency (our farms are not within the United States) they are certified by Biodynamic Institute Of Rural Development in Botucatu San Paulo, who is recognized by the International Federation Of Organic Agricultural Movement. This is in addition to the certification given by the Association Of Organic Agriculture (AAO) located in Sao Paulo. With our product, you can rest assured no pesticides are being sprayed on the acai berry and the processing of our
Buy Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Acai Berry is of the highest quality.
How The Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Acai Berry Product is Manufactured

Acai Berry Harvest Crop

Sorting Cleaning and Peeling

Acai Berry Powder

This is our crushing and encapsulating machine. It takes the acai from above, crushes it down to a powder then encapsulates it into bottles.
The bottles then pass through a labeling machine
where a final inspection of the product is carried out
before you receive our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Acai Berry.
Customer Service: We have real corporate staff (not a third party call center) answering our telephones so that we can connect with you, our valued friends and family, to ensure your every question is answered. In fact, our friendly and caring internal corporate customer service staff are waiting to hear from you right now. You can ask us any questions pertaining to our company, our products, our people or simply place your order. You can even ask to speak to the President and CEO of the company at the time of your call and if he is not in you're guaranteed a call back within 24 business hours or less. You won't find this kind of accountability, this kind of customer service or this kind of passion for wellness anywhere else—on or off the Internet!
Security & Privacy: We realize that security is of prime importance to you. Be assured that your safety is protected with state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology that encrypts sensitive information on both your browser and our server. You'll know that the checkout process is secure when you see the closed yellow padlock at the bottom of your screen or you see an "s" following the normal "http" designation in the URL address bar.Further Natural Home Cures does not loan, lease, sell or disclose your information to any third party company. Our company is strongly committed to the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as you would want them to do onto you." If for any reason you feel your information may have been compromised at anytime during your shopping experience at Natural Home Cures, and/or for any reason you're concerned about making your purchase through Natural Home Cures please contact us at 1-888-800-5582. See our "Privacy Policy"
No Risk Money Back Guarantee: Natural Home Cures is so certain you will start feeling the amazing results in just a matter of days that we offer you an Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.