Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Contains Copper (Cu)
(*) See References and Disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
Our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen contains copper, an essential element in the formation of red blood cells(1*).
Copper also partners with Vitamin C to produce elastin, a protein that is found in all the connective tissue of the body as well as the skin(2*). Copper is vital in producing the neurotransmitters peptidyl alpha-amidating monooxygenase & dopamine hydroxylase(3*).
A deficiency in copper may result in decreased glucose tolerance, anemia, lowered defense against infections, and abnormal carbohydrate metabolism and may also lead to heightened glucose, triglycerides, and serum cholesterol levels(4*).
Also, copper plays a role in iron metabolism, storage, and absorption(5*). The signs of copper deficiency are similar to those of iron deficiency: general malaise, fatigue, and lightheadedness(6*), (7*).
Sources of Copper
Dark Green Vegetables, Legumes, Nuts, Oysters, Whole Grains, and our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen.
Source References
(1) Wikipedia: Copper
(2) Wikipedia: Copper Deficiency
(3) PubMed: Copper Deficiency Has No Effect On Bovine Prion Proteins
(4) Livestrong: Can Symptoms of Copper Deficiency Be Reversed by Copper Supplements?
(5) Body Ecology: The Symptoms and Your Best Natural Solutions
(6) Ehow: Identify Copper Deficiency
(7) Copper Deficiency