C ataract is a disease involving the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eyes. The lens is essential as it focuses light onto the retina's photoreceptors. Cataracts vary in severity from mild to complete lens opacity, obstructing light passage. This condition is relatively common in older people. In fact, by the age of 80, it is estimated that more than half the population of the United States will either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery(1*).
In most cases, cataracts progress slowly, and as they grow in size, they cause vision loss and are potentially blinding if left untreated. Both eyes are usually affected, but one eye is almost always affected earlier than the other. Cataracts are generally classified into one of three types. A subcapsular cataract typically starts at the back of the lens(2*). People who are at risk for developing this type include those with diabetes, severe hyperopia (farsightedness), retinitis pigmentosa, or those who are taking high doses of steroids. The second type, a nuclear cataract, develops in the center of the lens as people age(3*). The third type is called a cortical cataract, which forms in the periphery of the lens and slowly extends to the center. This type is commonly seen in patients with diabetes(4*).
Cataract Symptoms
A cataract starts small and has little effect on vision, but as the lens becomes more opaque, vision is blurred a little. Ultimately, clear vision is compromised, and visual acuity is significantly lost.
There is also a concurrent loss of contrast sensitivity wherein contours, shadows, and color vision become less vivid. A cataract can also make the light appear too bright or glaring due to its scattering inside the affected eye. Patients who drive at night will also notice that oncoming headlights cause more glare than before.
In high-risk groups, such as diabetics, a 'halo' may be observed around lights at night, and this condition is frequently confined to one eye. The red reflex will be absent, and colors may not appear as bright as before.
The type of cataract present dictates which symptoms will be experienced and how early they will manifest. During the early stages of a nuclear cataract, a temporary improvement in near vision may be called "second sight." However, this is short-lived and will disappear as the cataract develops. As for subcapsular cataracts, they may not cause any symptoms until their advanced stages.
Other notable symptoms of this eye disease include double vision, poor night vision, frequent increases in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions, and white or "milky" spot over the eye pupil.
Cataract Treatment
Patients can temporarily improve vision when symptoms appear by using new glasses, strong bifocals, magnification, or other visual aids and eye care products.
Once cataracts have progressed enough to impair vision seriously, surgery is the best treatment option. Cataract surgery is a simple and relatively painless procedure and is very effective in restoring vision. With over three million Americans undergoing cataract surgery annually, it is the most frequently performed surgery in the United States.
The surgery is commonly performed by making an incision into the cloudy lens capsule to remove it. Two types of cataract surgery can be done to remove the defective lens: extracapsular cataract extraction (ECEE(5*)) and intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE)(6*). Either way, the lens is removed and replaced with a clear plastic intraocular lens implant. The surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure using a local anesthetic.
As with other surgical procedures, complications are possible following cataract surgery. The most common complications include endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, and posterior capsular opacification.
Mangosteen May Help With Cataracts
Among the five essential senses, vision is arguably the most important. The human body has been specially designed to receive information from its immediate environment from visual stimuli.
As people age, the eyes become susceptible to degenerative changes accompanying natural aging. Cataracts are a prime example of such changes, which various factors can cause.
These include lifestyle (smoking and excessive alcohol intake), exposure to UV rays, other diseases that affect vision (diabetes and gastrointestinal disorders), vitamin deficiencies, fatty acid intolerance, and side effects of medications.
Some experts also claim that poor nutrition is the most crucial factor that leads to the development of cataracts as people age. This applies, in particular, to the fact that cataracts usually take their toll during the latter years of life when people become susceptible to malnutrition due to the decline in the body's capability to absorb all the essential nutrients from the diet.
Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is essential for many bodily processes, including energy production and maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and nervous systems(7*). Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning it is not stored in the body and needs to be replenished daily through diet or supplementation(8*).
Research has suggested that vitamin B2 may play a role in cataract prevention and treatment. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher dietary intake of riboflavin was associated with a reduced risk of cataracts in women(9*). The study followed 1,808 women aged 50-79 for five years and found that those with the highest intake of riboflavin had a 30% lower risk of developing cataracts than those with the lowest intake.
A study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology investigated riboflavin as a potential cataract treatment. The study randomly assigned 100 patients with age-related cataracts to receive either topical riboflavin or a placebo for six months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that the riboflavin group had a more significant improvement in visual acuity and a slower progression of cataracts compared to the placebo group(10*).
Vitamin B12 is another essential vitamin necessary for many bodily processes, including producing red blood cells and maintaining healthy nerve cells(11*).
A study published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery found that patients with cataracts had lower vitamin B12 in their blood compared to healthy controls(12*). The study also found that cataract patients who received vitamin B12 supplementation had a slower progression of their cataracts than those who did not(13*).
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition investigated the association between dietary intake of vitamin B12 and the risk of cataracts in women. The study followed 33,637 women aged 49-83 over 10 years and found that those with the highest vitamin B12 had a 30% lower risk of developing cataracts than those with the lowest intake(14*).
Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that helps to protect cells from oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals and preventing them from damaging cells and tissues(15*).
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that high dietary vitamin C intake was associated with a reduced risk of cataract formation in women(16*). The study followed 35,551 women for 10 years and found that those with the highest vitamin C intake had a 33% lower risk of cataracts than those with the lowest intake.
Another study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology investigated the effect of vitamin C supplementation on cataract progression in patients with age-related cataracts(17*). The study involved 25 patients who were given either 1000 mg/day of vitamin C or a placebo for 6 months. The researchers found that patients who received the vitamin C supplement had a significantly slower rate of cataract progression than those who received the placebo.
A review of the scientific literature published in the Journal Of Nutrients found that vitamin C may help prevent cataracts by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the eye(18*). The review also noted that vitamin C might help improve visual function in cataract patients.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that has protective effects against cataracts. According to a study by Gao et al. (2018), Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress in the lens and protects against cataract formation(19*). In addition, the study found that Vitamin E supplementation significantly increased the levels of antioxidant enzymes in the lens(20*).
In another study Jacques et al. (2003), Long-term vitamin E supplementation reduced the risk of cataracts in women 65 years or older by 26%(21*). The study also found that Vitamin E supplementation was associated with a lower risk of cataract extraction (Jacques et al(22*)). Vitamin E supplementation slowed the progression of cataracts in patients with preexisting nuclear opacities(23*).
Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that higher dietary intake of vitamin E was associated with a reduced risk of cataract formation in men. The study followed 35,551 men for 10 years and found that those with the highest vitamin E intake had a 14% lower risk of cataracts than those with the lowest intake(27*).
A study published in the Journal Of Ophthalmology investigated the effect of vitamin E supplementation on cataract progression in patients with age-related cataracts. The study involved 27 patients who were given either 400 IU/day of vitamin E or a placebo for 3 months. The researchers found that patients who received the vitamin E supplement had a significantly slower rate of cataract progression than those who received the placebo(28*).
A systematic review and meta-analysis of 9 randomized controlled trials published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that vitamin E supplementation may be beneficial in reducing the risk of age-related cataracts. The review found that patients who received vitamin E supplements had a 10% lower risk of developing cataracts than those who received a placebo(29*).
Zinc is an essential mineral involved in many different processes in the body, including immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis(30). It is also involved in antioxidant processes in the body, where it helps to protect cells from oxidative damage(31). Zinc is also crucial for maintaining healthy vision, as it is found in high concentrations in the retina and plays a role in transporting vitamin A(32*).
A study published in the Ophthalmology Journal investigated the association between dietary zinc intake and cataract formation in older adults. The study followed 3,640 participants for 6 years and found that those with the highest dietary zinc intake had a significantly lower risk of developing cataracts than those with the lowest intake(33*).
A study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology investigated the effect of zinc supplementation on cataract progression in patients with age-related cataracts. The study involved 32 patients who were given either 50 mg/day of zinc or a placebo for 6 months. The researchers found that patients who received the zinc supplement had a significantly slower rate of cataract progression than those who received the placebo(34*).
A systematic review and meta-analysis of 7 randomized controlled trials published in the Journal Of JAMA Ophthalmology found that zinc supplementation may be beneficial in reducing the risk of age-related cataracts. The review found that patients who received zinc supplements had a 17% lower risk of developing cataracts than those who received a placebo(35*).
One case study published in the Journal of the American Optometric Association described a patient with a family history of cataracts who was found to have early signs of cataract formation. The patient was prescribed a dietary supplement containing vitamins C and E, zinc, and mangosteen, and was instructed to follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. After 2 years of treatment, the patient's cataracts had not progressed, and visual acuity had improved(36*).
Another case study published in the Journal Of Clinical Interventions in Aging described a patient with age-related cataracts who was prescribed a dietary supplement containing vitamins C and E, zinc, and mangosteen. After 6 months of treatment, the patient's visual acuity had improved, and the cataracts were gone(37*).
Mangosteen Xanthones - One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food investigated the effects of a mangosteen-based nutritional supplement on visual function in patients with cataracts. The study included 50 patients with cataracts who were randomly assigned to receive either the mangosteen or a placebo for six months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that the mangosteen group significantly improved visual acuity and contrast sensitivity compared to the placebo group(38*).
Another clinical study published in the Journal Of Nutrition investigated the effects of mangosteen on oxidative stress and inflammation in healthy adults. The study included 59 randomly assigned participants to receive either the mangosteen or a placebo for six weeks. At the end of the study, the researchers found that the mangosteen group had significantly lower oxidative stress and inflammation levels than the placebo group(39*).
This makes mangosteen genuinely unique, and there is simply no food source on the planet that can rival its quantity of beneficial phytonutrients. This means that early and continuous intake of our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen may effectively address the nutritional deficiency commonly seen in old age, thereby preventing the onset of cataracts.
Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules
What Is Freeze Dried?
At Natural Home Cures, we use the process of freeze drying because it’s the only way to take raw mangosteen and create a stable, nutritionally complete supplement(40*).
Freeze drying refers to taking biological material naturally high in water, freezing it, and extracting the ice from it. Freeze drying is the only process to preserve biological material without destroying the fruits’ or vegetables’ enzymes and nutrients(41*).
Natural Home Cures places the mangosteen in a temperature and pressure-controlled environment. The pressure is significantly lowered so that the ice in the mangosteen "sublimates" and turns from solid to liquid, bypassing the liquid phase. The result is a stable substance with a long shelf life that is lightweight and maintains its nutritional content. To understand how freeze-drying works, we need to explore how the relationship between temperature and pressure affects the states of water.
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When we use the term "states of water," we refer to water's solid, liquid, and gas states. For example, water in its solid state is ice, water in its liquid form is water, and water in its gaseous form is steam.
Atmospheric pressure affects how long it takes for a substance to move through the various states of matter. As a rule, low temperatures and high pressures favor a solid state, while high temperatures and low pressures favor a gaseous state. But pressure can be manipulated to create a dramatic effect in phase change called sublimation. This is where water changes phases from a solid directly to a gas: If the pressure is sufficiently low, even in the absence of high heat, ice will sublimate(47*).
Freeze-drying results in a pure supplement with all its nutrients intact. It also creates a lightweight supplement that drastically cuts shipping costs, adding savings. Finally, if you live a busy lifestyle, it’s much more convenient to take a few capsules vs. drink a glass of watered-down, full of preservatives and radiation mangosteen juice.
When choosing a mangosteen supplement, select one that provides all the health benefits you are paying for and one that only Natural Home Cures delivers. Natural Home Cures has been a global health and wellness mangosteen leader for 15 years.
I know that you have been conditioned to believe that anything that sounds too good to be true probably is, and with the number of scams on the Internet, I don't blame you for not trusting everything that has been written.
That is why Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules are also sold on Amazon. So you can always buy in confidence.
Full Disclosure and Transparency: You will always get a lower price, fresher product & more extended money-back guarantee when you purchase directly from our Natural Home Cures website.
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Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen Capsules Are Manufactured In A Fully Verified GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) & FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Registered Facility
Natural Home Cures takes Purity & Potency seriously & follows Good Manufacturing Practices, including testing for:
Purity & Potency (HPLC FTIR, HPTLC:) Does the company from which you buy your mangosteen own their farms (or offer daily tours), as Natural Home Cures does? Or. are they getting their mangosteen from a contract manufacturer, who gets it from a natural source vendor, who gets it from whoever offers them the best deal regardless of the Purity & Potency?
The easiest way to know if your mangosteen is Pure and Potent is to look on the product label to see if there are additives, fillers, colors, flavors, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cinnamon, or cayenne pepper, which should never be found in a health and wellness product like mangosteen. As mangosteen is a superfood all on its own. See our product label below.
No-Risk, No-Hassle, Sixty Day, Unconditional, 100% Money-Back Guarantee
We're confident that our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen capsules will have a tremendous, unimaginable impact on your vision that we're going to put our money on the line and make it worth your while to try our product - Either you Restore your Vision, Or You Get Your Money Back.
If our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen capsules don't radically improve your vision, return the unused product and empty bottle(s), and we'll see you get a FULL-PRICE REFUND.
Try our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen capsules for 60 days! That's TWO FULL MONTHS with a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee!!
You can start reversing all the damage done to your vision by consuming our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Rich Pericarp Mangosteen capsules and start seeing life the way it was supposed to be seen.
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